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DePuy ASR Implant Recall Cases

By January 10, 2017January 29th, 2025No Comments

Recently, the FDA has received over 300 complaints from patients and doctors about the DePuy ASR hip implant system.

In April 2010, DePuy admitted that “patients may develop progressive soft tissue reactions to metal wear debris without exhibiting any symptoms. The debris can cause soft tissue damage which may compromise the results of the revision surgery.”

Redding, California and the beautiful area that surrounds it has a uniquely high population of hip replacement patients. If you or someone you love has had a hip replacement recently, please use the contact form on the right side of this screen, or call Reiner & Frankel, LLP today at (530) 241-0290. We will help you understand the DePuy ASR hip implant system and will guide you through the legal process so that you can get back on your feet with the confidence you deserve.