This Article was Originally Published by Market Watch
Family of injured Redding, Calif. worker urges state to improve roadside safety measures
REDDING, Calif., July 8, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — A Redding, Calif. construction worker struck by a car and paralyzed at an unsafe California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) roadside worksite in 2011 has won a record settlement, the Reiner & Frankel law firm announced today.
Kyle Anderson was 20 years old when he suffered a severe brain injury that left him a quadriplegic with “locked-in syndrome.” Kyle is aware of his surroundings, but cannot move or communicate verbally. The $37.35 million settlement is believed to be the largest Caltrans settlement for an individual.
Kyle’s legal team found that Caltrans negligently failed to implement safety procedures to protect workers from oncoming traffic and attempted to cover up the incident. Caltrans removed safety features an hour before the incident, withheld information from law enforcement investigators, and closed its internal investigation less than 10 hours after Kyle was injured.
Kyle is represented by trial attorney Russell Reiner and Richard Frankel, of Reiner & Frankel, of Redding, Calif.
Trial attorney Russell Reiner, of Reiner & Frankel, said, “This preventable incident irreparably changed the lives of Kyle and his parents, Matt and Robin Anderson. This settlement will help ensure that Kyle will receive the 24/7 medical care he requires including new medical therapies for his injuries. Kyle’s parents, Matt and Robin, are angels on earth. They have been taking care of their son for more than seven years since this tragic event. They have provided love and care to Kyle that inspires me and everyone that sees how they interact with their son.”
Kyle’s parents, Matt and Robin Anderson, said, “It is our family’s hope that Caltrans management will learn from what our son is going through and strive to safely ensure that other families will not be forced to endure what Kyle will suffer the remainder of his life. We urge Caltrans to follow their rules to protect workers, contractors and the public.”
The case is Kyle Alden Anderson, by and through his parents, Matt and Robin Anderson, vs. State of California (Department of Transportation), No. DR120609 in the Superior Court of California, Humboldt County.
CONTACT: Erin Powers, Powers MediaWorks LLC for Reiner & Frankel, LLP, 281.703.6000 or
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