Motorcycle crashes in Chico can occur on busy downtown streets, on State Route 74, and other widely traversed roads throughout the area. Many motorcyclists take trips along the Palms to Pines Scenic Byway to enjoy various types of scenery that Southern California has to offer.
But when negligent drivers fail to responsibly share the road, a motorcycle accident victim might suffer traumatizing and sometimes deadly injuries in a collision. This is especially true if a collision happens at high speeds and the motorcyclist falls to the ground or onto another vehicle. Other factors that determine the severity of injuries include the type of collision and whether or not the motorcyclist was wearing a helmet and other protective gear at the time of the impact.
Some of the most common motorcycle accident injuries include head injuries, back and spinal cord injuries, paralysis, soft tissue injuries, broken bones, cuts and scrapes, and road rash.
If you suffered any of these injuries in a motorcycle accident that resulted from another person’s negligence, seek medical treatment right away. As soon as possible after your accident, you should go in an ambulance or have someone take you to a hospital emergency room. While you are there, the doctor or nurse on duty can order the necessary imaging studies, such as brain scans, MRIs, and x-rays, to assess your medical condition.
The doctor or nurse can also examine you and make sure that you receive any medical treatment that you need, such as stitches or surgery. They can also make recommendations for follow-up care that you should heed after you leave the hospital.
Failing to seek prompt medical treatment after a motorcycle accident can hurt any legal claim that you later file. The insurance company might become skeptical of your injuries and may believe that they were not all that serious if you delay seeking medical treatment following your motorcycle accident.
While you are still treating your injuries, the knowledgeable Chico motorcycle accident attorneys at Reiner & Frankel can begin working on your behalf. Specifically, our legal team can start gathering up all of your medical records and bills so far and assemble them into a demand package for the insurance company adjuster’s review.
Why Do Motorcycle Accidents Happen?
Many motorcycle accidents in and around Chico, California, happen because drivers make mistakes and do not follow the rules of the road. All drivers must operate their vehicles with a reasonable degree of care. When they break traffic laws, engage in distracted driving, and operate their vehicles while intoxicated, the likelihood that they will cause an accident increases significantly.
Violating traffic laws is one of the major reasons why motorcycle accidents happen. A driver who speeds, tailgates, or weaves in and out of traffic might violently bring about a collision with a motorcycle that leads to serious and debilitating injuries.
Distracted driving is another common cause of Chico motorcycle accidents. A driver is distracted when they divert their attention away from the road and onto something in the vehicle. For example, the driver might turn their head to discipline young children in the back seat, or they might fiddle with a cellular device or GPS instead of watching the road. When a driver turns their head for merely a second or two, they might not see a motorcycle approaching in the vicinity, bringing about a collision.
Finally, some motor vehicle operators collide with motorcycles when they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
In California, drivers are per se intoxicated if they operate their vehicles with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher, but stricter standards apply for commercial vehicle drivers and those under 21.
Alcohol and drugs can impair a driver’s depth perception and vision and significantly delay their reaction time. Therefore, an intoxicated driver might not have the physical ability to stop their vehicle in time to avoid colliding with a motorcycle.
If you suffered injuries in a Chico motorcycle accident that resulted from negligence, the skilled legal team at Reiner & Frankel can explain all of your legal rights to you and take the necessary legal action against the responsible person or entity.
Pursuing Monetary Compensation for Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Victims of Chico motorcycle accidents often suffer serious and sometimes permanent injuries. When they can prove that these injuries resulted from their accident, they may recover monetary compensation.
The damages that a motorcycle accident victim can recover will depend on certain aspects of a particular case, including the type of collision and the specific injuries that occurred. Other factors that weigh on the monetary value of a motorcycle accident case include whether or not the accident victim suffered a permanent injury and the cost of any past or future medical treatment that might be necessary.
For instance, a medical provider might state, to a reasonable degree of medical probability, that the accident victim will require surgery or some other procedure. The medical provider can also estimate procedural and rehabilitation costs.
In addition to pursuing and recovering past and future medical expenses, motorcycle accident victims can receive compensation for their lost wages or for a loss of earning capacity if they suffered a permanent injury in their accident. Likewise, they can recover compensation for mental distress, emotional anguish, inconvenience, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of the ability to use a body part.
In cases where a motorcycle accident victim died from their injuries, the accident victim’s surviving family members can pursue wrongful death compensation. As part of the wrongful death claim or lawsuit, the surviving individuals might recover compensation for funeral and burial costs, future lost wages, and loss of the decedent’s future care, comfort, and companionship.
If you suffered any of these injuries in a Chico motorcycle accident, the skilled legal team at Reiner & Frankel will do everything possible to help you maximize your potential compensation and will work to get you the damages that you deserve.
Contact a Skilled Chico Motorcycle Accident Lawyer About Your Injuries Today
At Reiner & Frankel, our legal team is ready and willing to represent you throughout every stage of your motorcycle accident claim or lawsuit. For a free case evaluation and legal consultation with a knowledgeable Chico motorcycle accident attorney, please call us today at (530) 891-1909 or contact us online to discuss your possible personal injury claim or lawsuit.