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Personal Injury

Nationwide TBI Statistics

By November 19, 2024November 24th, 2024No Comments

Traumatic brain injuries are among the most serious types of injuries that an accident victim might face. TBIs can have long-term impacts on the victim. Accidents leading to traumatic brain injuries happen every day across the country. After an accident that causes a TBI, contact a lawyer to learn more about your legal rights for financial compensation.

You can successfully navigate the complex legal process with the right legal team’s support. Rely on the legal experience that a TBI accident attorney brings. Contact a lawyer immediately if you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury in an accident.

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What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

TBI stands for traumatic brain injury. A traumatic brain injury is a disruption in normal brain function usually caused by an external force, like a blow to the head.The figure of the human brain with a stethoscope

TBIs can happen after various types of accidents, including:

Traumatic brain injuries are classified based on severity- minor, moderate, or severe.

You deserve to recoup for the long-term impact of a traumatic brain injury. Working with an attorney is the best way to get everything you deserve after an accident.

Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Typical symptoms of traumatic brain injuries can include any combination of:

  • Cognitive decline
  • Emotional, psychological, or personality changes
  • Headaches and memory problems
  • Balance problems
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Seizures and slurred speech
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Changes in vision, taste, or smell

You deserve financial compensation after a traumatic brain injury. An experienced legal team can advise you of your rights after an accident so you can access the full and fair compensation you deserve.

National TBI Statistics- TBI-Related Deaths

Accidents that end in traumatic brain injury happen every day across the country. Traumatic brain injuries are the major cause of death nationwide.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the following statistics were true across the United States:

  • More than 69,000 people lost their lives in a TBI-related accident nationwide.
  • In one year, there were around 190 TBI-related deaths every day across the country.

In addition to the number of TBI-related deaths, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also reported the most at-risk groups for TBI-related deaths.

Americans most at risk for dying after a traumatic brain injury include:

  • People experiencing homelessness
  • Racial and ethnic minorities
  • Veterans and service members
  • Survivors of intimate partner violence
  • People living in rural areas
  • Incarcerated individuals

If you are part of any of these groups, you might be particularly vulnerable to the effects of a traumatic brain injury. Contact an experienced personal injury attorney to learn your legal rights and options for compensation if you have suffered an injury or a loved one was killed in a TBI-related death.

National TBI Statistics- TBI-Related Injuries

doctor is diagnosing brain problems using x-ray films.A traumatic brain injury is serious. These types of injuries occur throughout the country at an alarming rate.

The following are the injury rates for TBI accident victims annually.

  • 2.8 million people suffer from a traumatic brain injury each year.
  • Nearly 300,000 people are hospitalized for TBI annually.
  • Emergency departments across the country treat 2.5 million people.

Unique Legal Issues After a Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries can make your legal claim more complex. The legal statistics that are related to traumatic brain injuries typically involve aspects like insurance claims, litigation outcomes, and the impact of the injury on the victim. Here are some facts that are unique to traumatic brain injuries:

Insurance Claims

Depending on the facts of the case, you might contend with auto insurance, health insurance, or even worker’s compensation insurance. The complex nature of traumatic brain injury claims can often lead to disputes over coverage and compensation.

Settlement Amounts

A settlement amount for a traumatic brain injury can range widely based on the facts of the case. For example, a minor TBI might settle for a smaller amount than a case involving a severe traumatic brain injury.

Statute of Limitations

The parties must always comply with the applicable statute of limitations, regardless of the type of case. However, complying with the applicable statute of limitations in TBI cases can present its challenges. TBIs might have delayed the onset of symptoms.

Speak to your attorney immediately after the accident or when you start experiencing symptoms to ensure you follow the statute of limitations.


Many cases settle during negotiations with the insurance company, but some only resolve through litigation. The complicated medical evidence that many TBI victims present will require a legal professional to review for pertinent information.

Professional Testimony

Proving your injuries and connecting them with the accident can be challenging. The use of professional testimony might help bridge the gap. Working with an experienced attorney can ensure you gain access to the professionals you might need to get the full and fair compensation you deserve.

Pre-existing Conditions

Insurance companies will argue that your pre-existing condition caused or contributed to your injury. The presence of pre-existing conditions can affect liability and compensation in traumatic brain injury cases, complicating legal proceedings.

Applicable Defense Strategies

Insurance companies and third parties will undoubtedly present defense strategies against your TBI claim.

Common defenses in TBI litigation may include:

  • Questioning the severity of the injury.
  • Disputing causation.
  • Arguing that the victim’s actions contributed to the accident.

These challenges can be overwhelming to individuals pursuing compensation for their injuries alone. A legal team can guide you through these challenges and develop an effective case strategy to overcome these issues.

How Much Do TBIs Cost?

A medical stethoscope on dollarsBrain injuries cost the American economy billions of dollars annually.

  • The cost of treating a TBI nationwide is an estimated $48.3 billion.
  • $16.6 billion goes to the costs associated with paying for fatal traumatic brain injuries.
  • Rehabilitative care for TBI victims ranges from nine to ten billion dollars annually.
  • The estimated overall long-term care costs for traumatic brain injuries range from $600,000 to $1.8 million.

As an accident victim, you can recover compensation for your accident-related losses. Each accident is unique, so what you can recover will reflect the circumstances of your accident. Here are some examples of losses that TBI victims typically face.

Initial Medical Costs

Emergency Department Costs

The cost of an initial examination in an emergency department can vary depending on the state or area where you receive care. The severity of your injury will also affect the cost of your care.

Cost of Hospitalization

The average hospital stay cost can quickly reach tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the severity of your harm.

Indirect Costs

There are several indirect costs of a traumatic brain injury. Here are just two examples of the indirect costs of a TBI.

Lost income

You might miss a significant amount of time from work after suffering a traumatic brain injury. Some accident victims cannot return to work after TBI. You and your family might feel the economic impact of a traumatic brain injury for weeks, months, or years after the impact.

Loss of Consortium

Impact family members, especially your spouse, might be entitled to sue for loss of consortium. The TBI might have a significant impact on family members. Caregivers or spouses might also incur costs related to lost income, emotional distress, and additional healthcare needs.

Rehabilitation Costs

Rehabilitation costs are a huge part of the ongoing care costs associated with traumatic brain injuries. Rehabilitation costs can total thousands of dollars annually. Examples of rehabilitative care include speech, occupational, and physical therapy.

Long-Term Care Costs

Traumatic brain injuries can require patients to develop a permanent disability. The cost of long-term care needs can exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars. Examples of long-term care needs can include ongoing medical treatment, residential care, and home modifications.

How Can a Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney Help Me?

A composite of legal and medical concepts featuring brain MRI images, a gavel, and US currencyYou need to seek legal representation after suffering a traumatic brain injury. To get the best results in your claim, contact an experienced TBI lawyer. Here is how the right legal team can help your case:

Legal Experience

The laws around TBIs can be complex. TBI lawyers know injury law and can guide you through the complex legal regulations and procedures related to traumatic brain injury cases.

Connecting With Resources

Getting the resources that you need to fully recover after a TBI can be challenging after an accident. A traumatic brain injury lawyer can connect you with rehabilitation specialists, medical professionals, and other resources that can aid in your recovery.

Assessment of Your Case

Remember to understand the ins and outs of your accident case. A TBI lawyer can evaluate the specifics of your case, including the severity of your injury, medical records, and potential for compensation.

Negotiating With Insurance Companies

The negotiation phase of any injury claim is critically important. Insurance adjusters focus solely on saving the company money, even if that means offering you less for your claim.

TBI lawyers can handle negotiations with insurance companies on your behalf, aiming to secure a fair settlement that covers medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering, among other losses.

Calculating Damages

You need an accurate calculation of your losses. A TBI lawyer can assess current and future damages, including the costs associated with long-term care needs.

Emotional Support and Guidance

An attorney can keep things in perspective and ensure you stay focused on your goals while pursuing financial compensation.

Pursuing Compensation

If you cannot reach a fair settlement, your attorney can file a lawsuit and represent you in court, advocating for your rights and seeking appropriate compensation.

Consult a qualified attorney if you are considering pursuing legal action for a traumatic brain injury. Speaking with a lawyer can clarify and ensure you receive the full and fair compensation and support you need.

Contact a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Today

Traumatic brain injuries are some of the most serious types of injuries. Victims of these injuries can suffer for the remainder of their lives. If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury, you need an attorney’s assistance.

An attorney is your advocate during a difficult time, fighting for your rights and ensuring you receive the support you need. They will guide you through the complexities of your case, gather essential evidence, and work to secure the compensation you deserve.

Contact a personal injury attorney today if you or a loved one suffered from a traumatic brain injury. This step can greatly improve your recovery and enable you to navigate the challenges ahead confidently and clearly.

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